
The Woman at the Well” 1st Sunday of Lent

Thirsty woman, drifting toward the well in the heat, did you expect to meet him there, face to face? Expect that he wanted to give you a drink more than he wanted one for himself? Could it be he cared about you? Your needs? Was your life a long, long series of desires and longings – and disappointments?

Jesus came to find you that day and to offer you water from God, energy from God, life from God – that satisfies forever.

How gently he used his love to prepare your heart, calling you to confession, completing it for you. Just a quiet reminder of the facts, no heavy hand.

And then…and then…he tells you more than he told all the important people in Jerusalem. He shares the great news all Israel was waiting for. He is Savior.

Be sure. He loved watching faith bud and leaf in you! He loved it. He loved you. He proved his love on the cross.  “It is finished!”


Lord Jesus, our brother; you know how we drift in endless daily cares, empty, longing, thirsting for…what really never satisfies. Our search – outside of you – has only wounded us. Jesus, supply the courage we need to repent and believe. There’s nothing we’ve done you won’t forgive. Through your death on the cross you’ve paid for it all. Now we can draw close to the Father and “touch him with kisses” (an original meaning for worship) in gratitude – all because of your mercy.

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